Essen Motor Show 2013: Sbarro Fléche Rogue

  • Ruud
  • 2013-11-30 13:19
  • 1286
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Essen Motor Show 2013: Sbarro Fléche Rogue

The Sbarro Fléche Rogue is a new concept, made by students at the Sbarro School of Design. It is a great example for lightweight-technology and downsizing – And doesn't look like anything you would expect to see on the streets.

Especially the front likes a lot like a jet, and the rest of the car doesn't look like the exact opposite, either. But that is not the only reference in terms of design: The car was also inspired by Le Mans-Racers and some shapes, like the headrests, remind us a little bit of modern Lamborghinis. Under the bonnet, the car doesn't feature anything outrageous, as it is a normal 4-cylinder engine derived from a Citroen DS3, producing 156 hp. But that is not a problem, as the car does only weigh 700 kilogram, which is simply amazing. It will never go into production – But if it would, you could be sure it would be incredible fun to drive!

Essen Motor Show 2013: Sbarro Fléche RogueEssen Motor Show 2013: Sbarro Fléche Rogue

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