This GTC4 Lusso is Perfect

This GTC4 Lusso is Perfect

It's not the first time we see extremely perfect vehicles from Japan. Sometimes there are horribly modified hypercars that make you wonder what kind of tasteless person is behind them. However, there is also the exact opposite, like this completely perfect Ferrari GTC4Lusso.

A Ferrari only needs three components to be perfect:

The paint. If you choose a black or gray Ferrari, it's quite a shame because Ferrari is the car brand with the most beautiful paints. If you have the chance to buy a Ferrari, you should not skimp on the paint. In combination with the paint, you can choose a beautiful interior. Ferrari is extremely specialized in this as well. Unfortunately, most people choose a dark or black interior. On one hand, this looks extremely boring, and on the other hand, you can't see Ferrari's beautifully crafted details. Therefore, a lighter color is much better suited. Of course, the wheels. You can get the most out of the vehicle with the right wheels. If you don't like the original wheels, you can choose wheels from other Ferrari models or even other manufacturers. However, it's a fine line when it comes to the wheels. With the wrong wheels, the most beautiful Ferrari can become an eyesore. No one wants that. The owner of this Ferrari GTC4Lusso chose a very special paint. It's a shade of gray with a blue/green tint. It's extremely rare to see this color. Combined with this beautiful interior, the color stands out even more. But the highlight is the high-gloss polished wheels. All three components were perfectly chosen for this car, resulting in a perfect Ferrari. What a feast for the eyes.

This GTC4 Lusso is PerfectClick on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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